Pack room by room making sure you number each box and list contents on boxes.
Pack the most heavy - books- in smaller boxes, much easier to move and support the weight.
Never stack plates into boxes they should be wrapped with paper and placed on their sides. Use towels and tea towels in the corners of the boxes.
Never use tape directly on furniture or varnished surfaces this could damage and mark the surfaces.
Clothes may be folded and boxed and more delicate clothing, coats and suits should be placed in cardboard wardrobes that are especially designed for removals.
When packing a computer do not forget to make security copies of the hard disk and take care not to pack magnetic items together.
Never pack or transport inflammable objects or liquids. This includes oil based paints, matches, bleaches, etc. any type of aerosol or cleaning products.
Clearly mark any boxes that contain delicate and fragile objects.
Prepare a box with the most indispensable things that you may require on arrival at your new home.
Purchase a travel first aid kit and keep it on hand.
Finally, remember to check the property thoroughly to make sure that nothing has been forgotten.
During the removal
• Check the inventory thoroughly and sign when you have received the last object.
• Ensure that the removal team treat your objects with care.
• Arrive at your new home before the removal company.
• Count the boxes as they are unloaded and check the furniture is in the same condition as it left your previous home.
Taking all of this into account and practice, you should be able to move house without any hitches.